Element index for package PHPExcel_Chart
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- getBottomRightCell
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getBottomRightCell()
Get the cell address where the bottom right of the chart is fixed
- getBottomRightOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getBottomRightOffset()
- getBottomRightPosition
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getBottomRightPosition()
Get the bottom right position of the chart
- getBottomRightXOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getBottomRightXOffset()
- getBottomRightYOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getBottomRightYOffset()
- getCaption
- in file Title.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Title::getCaption()
Get caption
- getDataSource
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::getDataSource()
Get Series Data Source (formula)
- getDataType
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::getDataType()
Get Series Data Type
- getDataValue
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::getDataValue()
Get the first Series Data value
- getDataValues
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::getDataValues()
Get Series Data Values
- getDisplayBlanksAs
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getDisplayBlanksAs()
Get Display Blanks as
- getFormatCode
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::getFormatCode()
Get Series Format Code
- getHeight
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::getHeight()
Get Height
- getLayout
- in file PlotArea.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea::getLayout()
Get Layout
- getLayout
- in file Legend.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::getLayout()
Get Layout
- getLayout
- in file Title.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Title::getLayout()
Get Layout
- getLayoutTarget
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::getLayoutTarget()
Get Layout Target
- getLegend
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getLegend()
Get Legend
- getName
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getName()
Get Name
- getOverlay
- in file Legend.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::getOverlay()
Get allow overlay of other elements?
- getPlotArea
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getPlotArea()
Get Plot Area
- getPlotCategories
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotCategories()
Get Plot Categories
- getPlotCategoryByIndex
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotCategoryByIndex()
Get Plot Category by Index
- getPlotDirection
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotDirection()
Get Plot Direction
- getPlotGroup
- in file PlotArea.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea::getPlotGroup()
Get Plot Series
- getPlotGroupByIndex
- in file PlotArea.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea::getPlotGroupByIndex()
Get Plot Series by Index
- getPlotGroupCount
- in file PlotArea.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea::getPlotGroupCount()
Get Number of Plot Groups
- getPlotGrouping
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotGrouping()
Get Plot Grouping Type
- getPlotLabelByIndex
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotLabelByIndex()
Get Plot Label by Index
- getPlotLabels
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotLabels()
Get Plot Labels
- getPlotOrder
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotOrder()
Get Plot Order
- getPlotSeriesCount
- in file PlotArea.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea::getPlotSeriesCount()
Get Number of Plot Series
- getPlotSeriesCount
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotSeriesCount()
Get Number of Plot Series
- getPlotStyle
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotStyle()
Get Plot Style
- getPlotType
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotType()
Get Plot Type
- getPlotValues
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotValues()
Get Plot Values
- getPlotValuesByIndex
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getPlotValuesByIndex()
Get Plot Values by Index
- getPlotVisibleOnly
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getPlotVisibleOnly()
Get Plot Visible Only
- getPointCount
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::getPointCount()
Get Series Point Count
- getPointMarker
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::getPointMarker()
Get Point Marker
- getPosition
- in file Legend.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::getPosition()
Get legend position as an excel string value
- getPositionXL
- in file Legend.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::getPositionXL()
Get legend position as an Excel internal numeric value
- getSmoothLine
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::getSmoothLine()
Get Smooth Line
- getTitle
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getTitle()
Get Title
- getTopLeftCell
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getTopLeftCell()
Get the cell address where the top left of the chart is fixed
- getTopLeftOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getTopLeftOffset()
- getTopLeftPosition
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getTopLeftPosition()
Get the top left position of the chart
- getTopLeftXOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getTopLeftXOffset()
- getTopLeftYOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getTopLeftYOffset()
- getWidth
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::getWidth()
Get Width
- getWorksheet
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getWorksheet()
Get Worksheet
- getXAxisLabel
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getXAxisLabel()
Get X-Axis Label
- getXMode
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::getXMode()
Get X-Mode
- getXPosition
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::getXPosition()
Get X-Position
- getYAxisLabel
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::getYAxisLabel()
Get Y-Axis Label
- getYMode
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::getYMode()
Get Y-Mode
- getYPosition
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::getYPosition()
Get Y-Position
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::GROUPING_CLUSTERED
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::GROUPING_PERCENT_STACKED
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::GROUPING_STACKED
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::GROUPING_STANDARD
- PlotArea.php
- procedural page PlotArea.php
- PHPExcel_Chart
- in file Chart.php, class PHPExcel_Chart
- PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries
- in file DataSeries.php, class PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries
- PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, class PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues
- PHPExcel_Chart_Layout
- in file Layout.php, class PHPExcel_Chart_Layout
- PHPExcel_Chart_Legend
- in file Legend.php, class PHPExcel_Chart_Legend
- PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea
- in file PlotArea.php, class PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea
- PHPExcel_Chart_Title
- in file Title.php, class PHPExcel_Chart_Title
- in file Legend.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::POSITION_BOTTOM
- in file Legend.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::POSITION_LEFT
- in file Legend.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::POSITION_RIGHT
- in file Legend.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::POSITION_TOP
- in file Legend.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::POSITION_TOPRIGHT
- setBottomRightCell
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setBottomRightCell()
- setBottomRightOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setBottomRightOffset()
- setBottomRightPosition
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setBottomRightPosition()
Set the Bottom Right position of the chart
- setBottomRightXOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setBottomRightXOffset()
- setBottomRightYOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setBottomRightYOffset()
- setCaption
- in file Title.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Title::setCaption()
Set caption
- setDataSource
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::setDataSource()
Set Series Data Source (formula)
- setDataType
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::setDataType()
Set Series Data Type
- setDataValues
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::setDataValues()
Set Series Data Values
- setDisplayBlanksAs
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setDisplayBlanksAs()
Set Display Blanks as
- setFormatCode
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::setFormatCode()
Set Series Format Code
- setHeight
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::setHeight()
Set Height
- setLayoutTarget
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::setLayoutTarget()
Set Layout Target
- setOverlay
- in file Legend.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::setOverlay()
Set allow overlay of other elements?
- setPlotDirection
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::setPlotDirection()
Set Plot Direction
- setPlotGrouping
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::setPlotGrouping()
Set Plot Grouping Type
- setPlotSeries
- in file PlotArea.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_PlotArea::setPlotSeries()
Set Plot Series
- setPlotStyle
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::setPlotStyle()
Set Plot Style
- setPlotType
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::setPlotType()
Set Plot Type
- setPlotVisibleOnly
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setPlotVisibleOnly()
Set Plot Visible Only
- setPointMarker
- in file DataSeriesValues.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeriesValues::setPointMarker()
Set Point Marker
- setPosition
- in file Legend.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::setPosition()
Get legend position using an excel string value
- setPositionXL
- in file Legend.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Legend::setPositionXL()
Set legend position using an Excel internal numeric value
- setSmoothLine
- in file DataSeries.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::setSmoothLine()
Set Smooth Line
- setTopLeftCell
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setTopLeftCell()
Set the Top Left cell position for the chart
- setTopLeftOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setTopLeftOffset()
- setTopLeftPosition
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setTopLeftPosition()
Set the Top Left position for the chart
- setTopLeftXOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setTopLeftXOffset()
- setTopLeftYOffset
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setTopLeftYOffset()
- setWidth
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::setWidth()
Set Width
- setWorksheet
- in file Chart.php, method PHPExcel_Chart::setWorksheet()
Set Worksheet
- setXMode
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::setXMode()
Set X-Mode
- setXPosition
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::setXPosition()
Set X-Position
- setYMode
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::setYMode()
Set Y-Mode
- setYPosition
- in file Layout.php, method PHPExcel_Chart_Layout::setYPosition()
Set Y-Position
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::STYLE_FILLED
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::STYLE_LINEMARKER
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::STYLE_MARKER
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::STYLE_SMOOTHMARKER
- Title.php
- procedural page Title.php
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_AREACHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_AREACHART_3D
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_BARCHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_BARCHART_3D
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_BUBBLECHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_DONUTCHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_DOUGHTNUTCHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_LINECHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_LINECHART_3D
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_PIECHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_PIECHART_3D
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_RADARCHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_SCATTERCHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_STOCKCHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_SURFACECHART
- in file DataSeries.php, class constant PHPExcel_Chart_DataSeries::TYPE_SURFACECHART_3D