Todo List
static string absoluteCoordinate( [string $pCoordinateString = 'A1'])
static string absoluteReference( [string $pCoordinateString = 'A1'])
static string buildRange( array $pRange)
static int columnIndexFromString( [string $pString = 'A'])
static int compareCells( PHPExcel_Cell $a, PHPExcel_Cell $b)
static array coordinateFromString( [string $pCoordinateString = 'A1'])
static array extractAllCellReferencesInRange( [string $pRange = 'A1'])
static array getRangeBoundaries( [string $pRange = 'A1:A1'])
static PHPExcel_Cell_IValueBinder getValueBinder( )
static array rangeBoundaries( [string $pRange = 'A1:A1'])
static array rangeDimension( [string $pRange = 'A1:A1'])
static void setValueBinder( [PHPExcel_Cell_IValueBinder $binder = null])
static array splitRange( [string $pRange = 'A1:A1'])
static string stringFromColumnIndex( [int $pColumnIndex = 0])
PHPExcel_Cell __construct( [string $pColumn = 'A'], [int $pRow = 1], [mixed $pValue = null], [string $pDataType = null], [PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null])
void attach( $parent)
void detach( )
mixed getCalculatedValue( [ $resetLog = true])
string getColumn( )
string getCoordinate( )
string getDataType( )
PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation getDataValidation( )
string getFormattedValue( )
void getFormulaAttributes( )
PHPExcel_Cell_Hyperlink getHyperlink( )
mixed getOldCalculatedValue( )
PHPExcel_Worksheet getParent( )
int getRow( )
mixed getValue( )
int getXfIndex( )
boolean hasDataValidation( )
boolean hasHyperlink( )
boolean isInRange( [string $pRange = 'A1:A1'])
void notifyCacheController( )
PHPExcel_Cell rebindParent( PHPExcel_Worksheet $parent)
PHPExcel_Cell setCalculatedValue( [mixed $pValue = null])
PHPExcel_Cell setDataType( [string $pDataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING])
PHPExcel_Cell setDataValidation( [PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation $pDataValidation = null])
void setFormulaAttributes( $pAttributes)
PHPExcel_Cell setHyperlink( [PHPExcel_Cell_Hyperlink $pHyperlink = null])
PHPExcel_Cell setValue( [mixed $pValue = null])
Sets the value for a cell, automatically determining the datatype using the value binder
PHPExcel_Cell setValueExplicit( [mixed $pValue = null], [string $pDataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING])
PHPExcel_Cell setXfIndex( [int $pValue = 0])
void __clone( )